The Sneakers

Author's Note:

My little sister, the author of , had to write a poem as a project for her English class. But she couldn't show her creative side with it, oh no! The teacher made her shoehorn in a ton of "literary elements", such as similes, hyperboles, and metaphors. As a result of this, she made this satirical poem that took her less than 5 minutes to write up. Enjoy! -American Titan
My sneakers are old and ragged,
but the story they told
like a home for the feet.
The sneakers,
ripped and torn,
looked like a deserted ballroom.
Taking a walk in them
is taking a thousand-mile walk
through old memories.
Dirty, plain, dull...
...I don't know why I ever liked them at all.
Just a pair of boring, white sneakers
whose color has faded much since then.
I've met tons of people
and went to different places,
experienced new things.
Though it seems
I don't like the boring, dull sneakers...
...I've done so many things with them,
a lot of that new,
and I will always like these sneakers
because they are mine.
And the sole of a shoe tells a different story
every time.